Antiscalants – HYDRASCALE
The Hydroflux Utilities HYDRASCALE series offers a full range of proprietary blended multifunctional phosphonates and polymers that help control the deposition of inorganic scales, sludges and other materials that deposit on membrane surfaces.
As part of a membrane pretreatment program, the HYDRASCALE range is designed to eliminate scale production, disperse colloidal particles and reduce organic and inorganic fouling. Our specially blended formulations also help reduce the likelihood of micro-organisms from depositing and building up fouling colonies on your membrane.
It is important to find the right antiscalant/antifoulant product for your particular application. Poor choice and inappropriate dose rates can increase fouling potential leading to higher operating costs, increased downtime, more cleans and lower permeate production. HydroFlux consultants use proprietary scaling software and good old ‘on the job’ experience to help determine the causes and find solutions to scaling and fouling issues that plague most membrane systems.
If you would like a Safety Data Sheet (formerly known as a Material Safety Data Sheet) on one of our antiscalant products, or would like a demonstration on how to lower costs and improve membrane performance, give us a call on 1300 417 697 or email us at [email protected]